Nominees for the award shall be weighed in the following particulars:
- Professional integrity shall be beyond question
- Professional reputation shall extend beyond the engineering, architectural, and/or construction fields
- Preference should be given nominees who have consistently promoted the welfare of the engineer and of the engineering profession.
Young Engineer of the Year
Restricted to engineers who have not attained the age of 35 by the time the award is to be presented. Qualifications will be generally the same as for the Engineer of the Year. However, it will be recognized that his/her professional accomplishments are necessarily limited by age; therefore, his/her accomplishments in college years will also be given consideration. The engineer shall be either an engineer intern or a registered professional engineer.
Distinguished Engineering Service
Restricted to retired or deceased engineers (and to engineers who have not been honored before by receiving the Engineer of the Year Award).
Retired Engineers - Qualifications generally same as those for the Engineer of the Year. Engineers who have retired from one career and are actively pursuing another career are not eligible.
Deceased Engineers - Qualifications applicable to their lifetime generally the same those for the Engineer of the Year.
Philip C. Gee College of Fellows
Nomination Form
The MES Philip C. Gee College of Fellows recognition program honors those licensed members of MES who have demonstrated exemplary service to the profession, the Society, and the community as a whole.
Philip C. Gee was an instrumental member in making MES the organization it has become. His dedication to the health, safety and welfare of the public was beyond reproach. As a humble man, he was determined and kept his goals and ethical obligations in sight. Phil was committed to his calling and was an excellent steward of the profession in his numerous roles with the Mississippi Engineering Society.
The Philip C. Gee Fellow designation is given annually to those members who embody the dedication, commitment and ethical discipline that Phil Gee exhibited in his years of service to the Mississippi Engineering Society.
Honor Chapters
Scorecard Information
Each year, chapter information is compiled by the MES State Office and a chapter is awarded the Honors Chapter Award for a job well done. The chapter president is presented with an awards certificate at the MES Winter Meeting Awards Luncheon, and the chapter has "bragging rights" for an entire year.
Other Awards:
Government Engineer of the Year
Industrial Professional Development Award
Construction Professional Development Award
Private Practice Professional Development Award