Awards Committee

The duties of the Awards Committee shall include:

-To announce and publicize the awards offered annually by the Society to solicit nominations from the members and the Chapters for recipients of those awards.

-To select, under rules established by the committee and approved by the Board of Directors, the recipient of each MES award.

-To advise the Board of Directors concerning the establishing and administration of the awards program.

-The membership of the Awards Committee shall be appointed each year by the President of MES, with the committee consisting of not less than five (5) members in good standing, not over two of whom shall be members of the Board of Directors and at least three of whom shall be long-time members of MES (ten years or more).

Constitution and Bylaws Committee

Committee Chair reports to Region 1 Vice President

The duties of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall include:

-To maintain a continuing study of the Constitution and By-Laws and the application of their provisions.

-To study carefully suggestions for revisions and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors.

-To serve in an advisory capacity to the officers, committees, and the Executive Director in interpreting the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws.

-To advise the Board on the constitutionality of Chapter Constitutions and By-Laws and proposed amendments thereto.

Legislative and Governmental Affairs Committee

Committee Chair reports to Region 1 Vice President

The Legislative and Governmental Affairs Committee has an important role in communicating legislative information to the membership. There are many ways to accomplish their goals such as being present during the legislative session, talking with legislators about the engineering profession and helping to track legislation during the session.

Meetings Committee

Committee Chair reports to Region 1 Vice President

The Meetings Committee shall be composed of five members, one of which shall be the Chairman.  The President shall appoint all members.  The chairman shall be appointed for a term of one year and may be reappointed from year to year at the discretion of the President.  The other four members shall be appointed as follows:  one member for a term of one year; one member for a term of two years; one member for a term of three years; one member for a term of four years.  The President may fill any vacancy by appointment, such appointee to serve the remainder of the term to which appointed.  Notwithstanding any of the above, the President may appoint an existing member of the committee as Chairman for the year and appoint another member so that the total may not exceed five members.  The President, Membership Committee Chairman and Public Relations Committee Chairman are to be ex-officio members of this committee.

The duties of the Meetings Committee shall include:

-To serve as a policy planning and steering committee for the semiannual meetings of the Society and other such meetings as deemed appropriate.

-To recommend basic themes and programs, including principal speakers.

-To recommend locations to include city and hotel.

-To recommend a proposed budget.

-To establish sub-committees and provide assistance and guidance to the host chapter, as needed.

-To report at the quarterly Board of Directors meetings.

Membership Committee

Committee  Chair reports to Region 3 Vice President

The duties of the Membership Committee shall include:

-To develop and execute programs of work so as to attract new members into the Society.

-To develop and execute programs of work designed to retain existing members.

-To develop and execute programs of work designed to retrieve former member of the Society.

-To consider and act on all applications for membership of the Society, including the screening of applications for all applicants and for reviewing such other applications as may be referred to it by the Board.

-To furnish each applicant for membership a copy of the NSPE Code of Ethics, and the applicant shall certify that he will adhere to this Code.

-To make a written recommendation to the Board concerning those applications which may be directed to it.

-To perform such other functions related to membership recruitment and retention as may be directed by the President and/or Board.

Young Engineers Committee

Committee Chair- Region 2 Vice President

Young Engineers who are under the age of 35 work together to help each other through mentoring, with professional development,  with leadership skills training, with career resources, and with awards/scholarship information.

Scholarship Committee

Committee Chair reports to Region 2 Vice President

The MES State Scholarship Fund is, to be organized and developed by the Scholarship Board, for educational purposes, including the distribution of cash assets to individuals and./or educational institutions for the primary benefit of selected students or prospective students whose course of study embraces an accredited curriculum in engineering. No funds will he dispersed, paid out, or distributed unless the recipient is fully qualified for admission or enrollment as a full time student.

The determination of recipients of the various Scholarships to be administered, and the business affairs and assets of the MES State Scholarship Fund shall be managed by a scholarship Board consisting of seven (7) members.

Persons serving on the Scholarship Board shall be members of the Mississippi Engineering Society in good standing, and who possess qualifications similar to those required of persons who are elected to serve as officers or Directors of the Society. Normally, Officers or Directors of the Society will  not be appointed to the Scholarship Board for terms  of service which coincide with, or overlap the term of office for which elected.

The selection of the Chairman and the other six (6) members of the Scholarship Board shall be in accord with the provisions of By Law XIV of the Mississippi Engineering Society, as adopted May 11, 1976, and as revised through May 15, 1980.

Student Chapters Committee

Committee Chair reports to Region 3 Vice President

The Student Chapters Committee is made up of representatives from Jones County Junior College, Jackson State University, Mississippi State University and The University of Mississippi. The purpose is to help students engage in activities to guide them towards licensure and prepare them for becoming Professional Engineers through education and networking opportunities.